Well, okay, so Christmas Day might be over with, but it's still the festive period until the 6th, so I thought I'd show you this smashing wee toy I got on ebay a year or so ago. Actually, I thought I'd already featured it on the blog a while back, but can't find it anywhere, so I must've thought about it and then forgot - then forgot that I'd forgotten. (The old - er, what's it called again? - must be going.)
SANTA's legs move with the front wheel and the presents in his sack pop up and down when the back wheels turn - seconds of enormous fun! (Cough!) I never had it as a kid (as far as I remember anyway), but it's the sort of thing I'd have wanted had I been aware of it. Never mind, I've got it now and that's all that counts. Another one for the Toy and Comic Museum I'd like to establish one day.
SANTA's legs move with the front wheel and the presents in his sack pop up and down when the back wheels turn - seconds of enormous fun! (Cough!) I never had it as a kid (as far as I remember anyway), but it's the sort of thing I'd have wanted had I been aware of it. Never mind, I've got it now and that's all that counts. Another one for the Toy and Comic Museum I'd like to establish one day.
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