Friday, 3 January 2020
DC Superhero Girls #PowerSurge
Last week, DC Superhero Girls showed an episode called #PowerSurge which is truly a love letter for fans of Supergirl and Power Girl. As I have said before, this show really leans into the history of these characters but also adds a ton of Looney Tunes fun and even a lesson or two.
I have been pretty thrilled with the Supergirl character as well. This Kara has a bit of a chip on her shoulder, stuck in the shadow of Superman. That results in her having a short fuse and a quick punch. As a result,the average citizen seems to have tagged Supergirl as a troublemaker.
While she acts as if it doesn't affect her, we have seen in episodes that she does take it to heart.
We start this episode at a Metropolis power plant where Supergirl and Livewire brawl. No punches are pulled here. Supergirl swings a girder like a baseball bat. Livewire blasts away. As a result the plant is pretty much demolished.
But before the entire thing falls, Livewire soaks up all the juice and unleashes a Kamehameha that seems to incinerate our Girl of Steel.
In the aftermath you can see why Supergirl has that chip on her shoulder.
Between the news reporter and the bystanders, Supergirl is called 'Superman Girl', 'Superman's kid sister', and 'Mrs. Superman'. That is hilarious.
And they also dismiss her efforts to stop Livewire, instead focusing on the property damage.
As for Livewire, she struts her stuff, boasting she has killed Supergirl.
Of course Kara isn't dead.
We see how much Clark cares. This is another hysterical moment given their relationship.
She slinks into the DCSHG headquarters where she is greeted by her friends.
But Kara decides to take advantage of what is going on.
No one seems to like her. Everyone thinks she is dead. So why not use this as an opportunity to start anew.
You really can feel just how scarred Supergirl is from the way she has been treated.
And then just a boatload of fan service for Supergirl fans.
Saying 'Revoekam', Zatanna cycles through a bunch of new costumes. We see a super-marching band-girl, a super-cheerleader, a super prom queen, a super nerd.
And then ...
A current belly shirt Supergirl (like in the later Justice League Unlimited cartoon).
A white shirt Supergirl (like in the Superman Animated series and early JLU).
And a Crisis-era Supergirl.
For a Supergirl fan, seeing all these on the little screen was joyous!
And then we finally get a look Kara likes ... the classic Power Girl look.
Initially, Kara takes her idea to heart, saying that she will take this chance to change anything people find fault in.
They all tap dance around her anger problem ... except Babs who really dives deep complaining about everything.
But she truly adopts the persona of Power Girl.
And even makes up her origin, that she is Supergirl from Earth Two!
I mean to see this and hear this on the big screen is just bananas!
Honestly, this show floors me.
Unfortunately, whereas Supergirl was lambasted, Power Girl is lauded. She is given endorsements, does public events, and even appears on talk shows.
And all that adulation goes to Kara's head where suddenly she thinks she doesn't need to be on a team. In fact, she seems more interested in being liked than being a hero. And her friends call her out on this behavior. Supergirl deserved better than to be forgotten in the wake of this Power Girl charade.
This ultimately leads to another showdown, this time Power Girl vs Livewire.
And this fight seems to snap Supergirl out of her funk. She realizes that she needs to be who she really is ... and that's Supergirl.
Using superspeed, she appears as both Supergirl and Power Girl in the fight.
I can't help but think that Supergirl saying that dying makes a girl think is a subtle nod at the Crisis. (Okay, maybe I am reaching.)
And then, the mandatory social lesson in cartoons these days. Power Girl says she shouldn't listen to the haters, because they don't know you.
It is a lesson Kara needed to learn. Her friends know her. They love her. That's enough.
Livewire gets defeated.
And Power Girl 'goes back to Earth 2'.
How cool is this Power Girl design in the DCSHG style!
Back in their lair, the rest of the girls hug Kara for being herself and coming back home.
Despite the hugs, Supergirl hears people again chastising Supergirl for the property damage in the second Livewire fight. She destroys the TV.
The show ends on this note, Kara yelling that she doesn't have an anger problem. That is the perfect finale.
Anyways, this show continues to just sparkle. I am tickled pink by every episode. But obviously, the Supergirl-centric ones just tickle me!
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