Wednesday 3 June 2020



Well, 49 years after the last issue of the weekly comic bit the dust, SMASH! returns in the form of a US style comicbook, though only one of the characters in this new incarnation actually appeared in the original periodical.  So who's inside this power-packed publication and do the revived strips cut the mustard?  I'm perfectly willing to share my impressions of the 7 stories, but you may well have other ideas - different horses for different courses as they say.

The SPIDER, JOHNNY FUTURE and The HOUSE Of DOLMANN are solid, entertaining reads, and THUNDERBOLT The AVENGER and MYTEK The MIGHTY are fine, but The STEEL CLAW and CURSITOR DOOM/JASON HYDE strips suffer from an infusion of humour that isn't in accord with their original more serious incarnations and compromises any sense of suspense or drama. In the latter's case, I suppose it's difficult to match the atmosphere of ERIC BRADBURY's moody artwork, but I'd have preferred something closer to his style.

There'a an absurd scene in the Claw strip where six characters with similar powers to LOUIS CRANDELL (but in different body parts), combine into one villain, which is ridiculous as they've presumably just become invisible like Crandell, not intangible, so they'd simple get in each other's way.  Also, in the Doom/Hyde strip, the baddie says "You are the one that hordes power" - should't that be 'hoards'?  Where are the proofreaders when they're needed?

The lettering on Thunderbolt is too narrow, and the art on Mytek is smudged and blurred, with what appears to be 'construction' lines in evidence, but overall the mag is worth buying, whether you read Smash! back in the day or not.  Standout artist of the whole ish is CHRIS WESTON, and it would've been nice to see him illustrate Johnny Future.  Not that there's anything wrong with TOM RANEY's art, but Chris's is more like that seen in UK comics back in the '60s.  Some lettering in the Dolmann strip runs off the page, being either the fault of the person responsible for placement, or the pages were reproduced slightly too large.

Anyway, I've included a few images to give you a taste, but like I say, the mag is definitely worth having.  Let's hope it sells out!  And take a look below to see what's coming in 2021.  Exciting or what?!


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