Three fairly recent Facsimile Editions for you to look out for, Crivvies, are X-Men #100, and The Incredible Hulk #s 180 & 181. The latter two were reprinted a few years back, so now you've got a second chance if you missed them first time around, without paying inflated prices on eBay or on the collectors market.
I noticed that 180 has the 'Continued After Next Page...' lines before ads, whereas 181 doesn't, which is perplexing. Why Marvel doesn't seem able to operate a consistent policy regarding this is beyond me. My earlier facsimiles aren't at hand for me to check if it was the same, but when they got around to reprinting #182, the 'Continued...' lines were present, as I can see from looking at the issue on my blog.
Anyway, Make Mine Marvel!
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