FOLLYFOOT, the programme, had finished in 1973 ('though no
doubt it was probably still being repeated at regular intervals), but
the Annuals (there were five of them) continued until 1976, when the
one for '77 was published. I can't actually remember if I ever watched
the programme, other than snippets of the odd episode, but the theme
tune is surely burned into the brain of everyone who ever heard it
back in the day. (Sing up at the back.)
The art in the accompanying story is interesting, in that it's clearly
trying to emulate the style of MIKE NOBLE (who drew the weekly
strip in LOOK-IN), but isn't entirely consistent. I entertain the tenu-
ous notion that the artist might be JOHN COOPER, but I wouldn't
bet my last bag of jelly babies on it. Anyone know for sure?
Anyway, today's trip into the past is only just short of 40 years,
which, if you're my age, is no distance at all. You up for it? We'll
be back home before you know it.
Oh, go on then - give the theme a spin...
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