Your pal Chuck has slipped behind schedule, so please forgive me while I gin up a couple of short reviews to get back on track!
I'm not sure what it is about the Batgirl series - but I find I'm enjoying it more than I ever expected.
Perhaps it's the fresh nature of it - they certainly seem to be ignoring everything that went before - or perhaps it's the fact the Babs is shown to be a smart, capable and resourceful hero.
This issue includes a team-up (with the Batman who really isn't Batman) and a fight against Livewire, a powerful and deadly foe.
The villain resolution is a bit too pat (it's right out of the Reed Richards "let me just invent a gizmo that will solve your problem" school), but it's still a solid issue.
The art is a lot of fun (though it occasionally gets a bit too exaggerated).
Still, the series is a lot of fun. I'm going to keep hanging around.
Grade: A-
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