Monday 25 July 2016

SDCC 2016: Supergirl Comic News

Okay everyone, please settle in.

I usually try to cover the Supergirl news that comes out of the San Diego Comic Con in one post. But let's face it, Supergirl has become so popular that there is no way I could cover it all in one place. How crazy is it for me to say that! But true ... between the comic, show, and merchandise, Supergirl is everywhere.

This post will only cover the news about the comic that came out of SDCC. And that is still a lot for me to touch on. Between preview pages and hearing Steve Orlando talking about the book, I am even more excited for this new book. Everything looks and sounds like I am going to love this book.

So the outline here will be me grabbing blurbs from a couple of panels that Orlando appeared at and then adding my thoughts. After that I'll showcase some of the panels from the preview pages I liked. Everything I am commenting on is easily found on the internet. For ease, here are links to where it all can be found on Newsarama.

The link for the DC Young Metropolis panel:

The link for the DC No Boundaries panel:

The link for the comic pages:

But there is a lot to cover here than just that. So please settle in. It is great that so much Supergirl news came out of SDCC.

First Orlando appeared on the DC  All Access No Boundaries Panel.

Next up is Supergirl #1. “It’s been awhile since she had a book, and it’s interesting to do a unified take on all the different expectations she’s had over 57 years,” writer Steve Orlando said.
The book features Lar-On, a Kryptonian werewolf who hasn’t been seen in decades. Orlando said that Supergirl will examine what being “super” and what “strength” really means — “She’d be super even if her cousin wasn’t Kal-El,” Orlando said, saying that being Supergirl is paying it forward for her adoptive planet. “She’s a forerunner for the DC Universe.”

I love that Orlando is taking all of Supergirl's history into account in his approach to the characters. There are themes that run through all the incarnations. Her desire for justice. Her optimism and her brightness are always evident. But she doesn't suffer fools lightly. She can get angry and fierce. She wants to honor the S-shield. She loves her cousin  while she strives to do enough to escape his shadow. Too often people forget the foundation of Supergirl when they write her. So glad Orlando won't be. And he considers her a forerunner of the DCU! He's one of us!

“Plenty of people will catch the bad guy and send him to jail, but Kara will catch the bad guy and send him to jail, and then two weeks later come by and see how he’s doing,” Orlando said. “The super is not bullets bouncing off her chest — it’s her resolve.”

Orlando used this jail visit analogy when he discussed the book at the Rebirth special. That is a nice way to show that fierce desire for justice as well as that optimism, that compassion.

The Cyborg Superman, who was recently revealed as Supergirl’s father, is “extremely relatable,” Orlando said, with a twisted paternal instinct to protect his daughter. “This is all about him making up for lost time” following the destruction of Argo City, Orlando said.

I have to say that Zor-El being the Cyborg Superman was one of my least favorite elements of the New 52. In fact, Zor-El was treated pretty badly by the early creators. I truly hope Orlando can do something to make me sympathetic for the character. I was hoping this would simply go away.

Then Orlando sat on the DC All Access Young Metropolis panel. He hit on many of the same points as above but there was some new stuff to ponder.

Orlando said that Cat Grant was his easiest character to write in the book, because "sarcasm is my native language." The hardest thing about the book, he said, is building the perfect dramatic moments — "If there's not a scene in each issue where you hear the movie soundtrack in your head, then you're not doing it right."

I like the idea of a sarcastic Cat Grant. It sounds like her character will be similar to the show version. I just hope we won't get too many current references which will age quickly.

Orlando said there is a scene in the book where someone calls for help, asking if anyone can hear her — and Supergirl responds, "I can." "She's the person who understands you, who hears you," Orlando said. He added that he created Kryptonian grammar in the book, from scratch. "If you want to translate Kryptonian, it's not just English with Kryptonian characters. There are rules here."

After translating two versions of Kryptonese in Adventures of Superman, I am up to the task of decoding Kryptonian grammar! Challenge accepted! And I like the idea of Supergirl always listening and ready to help! Again, this is so much more in line with the Supergirl I know. 

Orlando described the Rebirth special as "a palette cleanser — a palette cleanser that has alien werewolves and adventures in space," before diving into the idea of Supergirl learning that the Cyborg Superman is her father. "Zor-El wanted to save her, he wanted to save Argo City, he wanted to save Krypton — and he failed at all of these things," he said. "He just wants to make life better for his children."

Ha! A palate cleanser! I like that idea. Let me be clear. I loved the Tony Bedard/K. Perkins/Mike Johnson last year of the prior Supergirl book. I loved that book. I don't need a palate cleanser from that rehabilitation. But there is still some lingering stink from the angry, rudderless Kara from the early New 52. Making me care about Cyborg Superman would be a huge way to rectify some of those mistakes.

A fan asked what unappreciated DC runs should get more spotlight. Orlando praised Andy Helfer and Bill Sienkiewicz's The Shadow, Mike Parobek and Mike Machlan's Justice Society of America, and Tom Mandrake and John Ostrander's Spectre.

Orlando said that 2001: A Space Odyssey was a big influence on Supergirl, in terms of establishing the "quiet majesty of space."

 Comments like this make me think I would get along very well with Steve Orlando. He is coming from a similar place as me.

Okay on to the art!! First Supergirl Rebirth Special!

No surprise that Emanuela Lupacchino's art is luscious. I love her take on Kara.

We get a peek at Lar-On, both on Krypton and on Earth. Is that Zor-El sentencing him to the Phantom Zone? I didn't think Zor had that sort of role on Krypton.

But check out that lupine Lar-On. This isn't your father's Lar-On. He is way more bestial.

But this is my favorite panel. Here Kara must be being recruited to the DEO. Look at Cameron Chase! Amazing.

But more importantly, look at the bespectacled brunette Kara Danvers identity! Shades of Linda Lee! And how does she change her hair color? Kandorian comb???

I looovvve this!

And then we got some pages of Supergirl #1.

I might have to get used to the art here. Brian Ching's Supergirl has stretchy thin legs and arms. But there is an energy here. And I love that she actually looks like a 16 year old girl.

And is it me or in that last panel does Kara look like Natalie Dormer!

Lastly, Orlando's table care sported this art. On Twitter, I asked Bengal and he confirmed this is his art. That means this is probably Bengal's variant cover, maybe for Supergirl #1?

Nothing but optimism about this new book and these creators!!

While her solo title is the biggest comic news, she is also going to be a character in the upcoming Injustice book written by Tom Taylor.

Taylor had this to say:

“Supergirl is one I’m really excited for. Her origin, how she’s in the game, isn’t really talked about, so it’s up to us to establish that backstory,” Taylor teased. He did loosen up a bit and revealed, “She’s rocketing into the world at this point in time. She hasn’t been in our world until this time, she’s arriving now. And who she hooks up with is going to define where she goes. She’s a huge part of it.”

I don't plan on getting this so people will need to keep me informed!

Whew! That's a lot of news! And that's just to comics! What excited you?


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